Saturday, 12 January 2013


Homoeopathy is an exceptionally safe form of medicine which treats the whole individual. The medicine works by stimulating the body’s own natural tendency to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill-health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs treatment, not the disease.

The treatment is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not separate parts of a person, but all are effected by each other therefore it seeks to observe a pattern in the disharmony which is reflecting the complete individual. As such, it is a truly holistic medicine that treats the individual on all levels – mind, body and emotions.

Homoeopathy was invented by German Physician & Scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), rebellious allopath in 1826 in Germany. He gifted the medical world with golden rule of “Similia Similibus curenture” which means let likes be cured by likes.

Homoeopathy can be used to treat three different scenarios of ill health:

Constitutional- It refers to the treatment of the whole person taking all their symptoms and characteristics on the physical, emotional and mental planes. When well prescribed, the medicines and remedies can cause a profound healing response in an individual and be very effective in treating long term and chronic problems.
First Aid- This is highly effective and safe in treatment of common ailments such as bruising, inflammation, minor burns and minor skin reactions (such as nappy rash or insect bites).
 Acute- Acute health problems are self limiting disease states that will eventually get better on their own such as the common cold. 

Why is it so popular?

·         Works with your body’s immune system to bring health and well being.
·         Patients treated as individuals and given more time to talk.
·         It treats all symptoms mental, emotional and physical.
·         The remedies are safe, gentle and free of side effects.

 Homoeopathy is the oldest medical system in the modern scientific world. Today, it is actively pursued all over the world especially in Europe, South America, and India. It is a superb method of self care for everyday conditions such as the common cold and flu. This system has been considered as a tremendous value in reversing diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, skin eruptions, allergic conditions, mental or emotional disorders, especially if applied at the onset of disease. No wonder this gentle, effective, safe and non-toxic healing approach is attracting the interest of so many people.