Friday, 1 February 2013

Homeopathic Treatment – A Smart Way of looking After Yourself

How much knowledge do you have about homeopathic treatments? Most people are not very aware of what homeopathy is, and some probably have never heard of it. There is a very simple explanation for this. With an effective and natural health care system, Homeopathy offers treatment for various acute and chronic ailments, health and lifestyle related diseases, complete and holistic treatments to make life simple and easy and without any adverse side effects. That’s what is unique about homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic treatment today falls under the category of “alternative medicine,” along with acupuncture, herbs, essential oils and other remedies that come from nature. However, since the dawn of medicine, healers have been deriving their treatments from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms. The patent medicines that define allopathic, or mainstream medicine, have only been developed in the last few generations. 

In Homeopathic Treatment, Like Cures Like Homeopathy was discovered and named by a young German medical student, Samuel Hahnemann. The word homeopathy comes from the Greek for “similar suffering.” Based on the principle of “like cures like,” Hahnemann found that the same substance which would make a healthy person sick could, in a vastly diluted dose, make an ill person well. 

An increasing number of people are turning to homeopathy treatment, both because they understand it is safe and effective and because they are increasingly realizing that conventional drugs cause disease, are dangerous, and are ineffective in the long term.

This treatment should not be used to treat complicated medical illnesses, like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid conditions or cancer. It acts much quicker in acute conditions like pyrexia, colic, diarrhea, and headache and gives better non-invasive results.

The primary aim of Homeopathic treatment is targeted towards restoring the constitutional balance within, to aid in setting the body equilibrium. It is achieved by carefully selecting an appropriately suited remedy for an individual patient, considering the various characteristics at the physical, emotional and intellectual sphere. When instituting homeopathic medical treatment, it is important to remember that we are looking for true, long-term cures, not the masking of symptoms.

Saturday, 12 January 2013


Homoeopathy is an exceptionally safe form of medicine which treats the whole individual. The medicine works by stimulating the body’s own natural tendency to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill-health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs treatment, not the disease.

The treatment is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not separate parts of a person, but all are effected by each other therefore it seeks to observe a pattern in the disharmony which is reflecting the complete individual. As such, it is a truly holistic medicine that treats the individual on all levels – mind, body and emotions.

Homoeopathy was invented by German Physician & Scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), rebellious allopath in 1826 in Germany. He gifted the medical world with golden rule of “Similia Similibus curenture” which means let likes be cured by likes.

Homoeopathy can be used to treat three different scenarios of ill health:

Constitutional- It refers to the treatment of the whole person taking all their symptoms and characteristics on the physical, emotional and mental planes. When well prescribed, the medicines and remedies can cause a profound healing response in an individual and be very effective in treating long term and chronic problems.
First Aid- This is highly effective and safe in treatment of common ailments such as bruising, inflammation, minor burns and minor skin reactions (such as nappy rash or insect bites).
 Acute- Acute health problems are self limiting disease states that will eventually get better on their own such as the common cold. 

Why is it so popular?

·         Works with your body’s immune system to bring health and well being.
·         Patients treated as individuals and given more time to talk.
·         It treats all symptoms mental, emotional and physical.
·         The remedies are safe, gentle and free of side effects.

 Homoeopathy is the oldest medical system in the modern scientific world. Today, it is actively pursued all over the world especially in Europe, South America, and India. It is a superb method of self care for everyday conditions such as the common cold and flu. This system has been considered as a tremendous value in reversing diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, skin eruptions, allergic conditions, mental or emotional disorders, especially if applied at the onset of disease. No wonder this gentle, effective, safe and non-toxic healing approach is attracting the interest of so many people.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

All About Homeopathic Products

Homeopathic product is a product manufactured from substances or a mixture of substances used as homeopathic sources, according to the homeopathic manufacturing procedure described in the European Pharmacopoeia or in national pharmacopoeias being in effect in some EU Member States (i.e. German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, British Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, French Pharmacopoeia) if not otherwise described in the European Pharmacopoeia. The products may contain more than one homeopathic substance.

Markets today are estimated to be flooded with thousands of homeopathic products. Most of these products are available over the counter while other require prescription. FDA has classified these products to be drugs and a list for these products named as “the homeopathic pharmacopoeia” was incorporated in federal law during year 1938.

How to handle homeopathic products:

·        Drops should be placed directly under the tongue (sublingually) for maximum benefit. If this is a problem, they may be placed in a small amount of water (2 oz.) and then put a small amount of the solution under the tongue before drinking the rest. 

·        Drops may be taken sequentially allowing approximately 15 to 30 seconds between each product. For best results, do not mix the remedies together.

·         Homeopathic should be taken between meals in most cases (acute cases are an exception). A general rule of thumb is no sooner than 30 minutes before a meal and at least 60 minutes after a meal.

·        Products must be kept away from computers, X-rays, any type of magnets, television sets, microwave ovens, strong odors, caffeine containing products should not be used while on a homeopathic program.

All homoeopathic products are prepared from natural ingredients and are used to treat disorder of physical to psychological nature i.e. diarrhea to depression. These products utilize only minute traces of exacting substances for treating a disorder by initiating a natural healing process with in body. So, these products are truly safe for pregnant women, infants and even the most delicate constitutions. Unlike the conventional system of medicine, which works by suppressing the immune system and killing the pathogens, homeopathy works in harmony with the immune system of the body.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Weight Loss Programs - How are They Effective

Many people who try to lose weight on their own eventually run into roadblocks. With the health threat of obesity, many who weren't able to lose weight on their own opt to lose weight through medical weight loss programs. People who aren't familiar with medical weight loss programs often wonder, however, what exactly are the advantages?

Improved health – Arguably the most significant benefit to participating in a medical weight loss program is better health. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing serious and even life threatening diseases, like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Certain cancers, metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, fatty liver, and pregnancy complications have also been linked to obesity.

Increased weight loss – Research suggests that people who have medical weight loss surgery or participate in weight loss programs typically lose more weight (and maintain weight loss) than people who try on their own.

Easy-to-follow structure – It’s often easier for people to lose weight if there is an already proven structure to lose weight. With the structure in place, people can concentrate on following the structure, rather than designing their own weight loss program. Some programs also have a fixed menu in place that already have calorie-controlled food choices selected.

Expanded support - Many weight loss programs provide the option of support, either through Mt. Kisco weekly meetings, online support, or phone coaching. Having a dedicated support system will help you to stay focused and celebrate success while also staying positive during temporary failures. In essence, members of your support network are your cheerleaders. Whether for weight loss or some other physical or emotional reason, experts say that social support is important in obtaining and maintaining weight loss.

An enormous number of short and long term health benefits can be achieved with even 5 - 10% weight loss achieved through weight loss programs although even greater health benefits can be achieved if enough weight can be lost to return from being overweight or obese to a healthy body mass index range.
Such as

 Avoiding Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes (high blood glucose)
 Improved Blood Glucose control
 Staying Heart Healthy
 Improved Sleep
 Improved Mobility and Pain-free joints
 Improved Energy and Vitality
 Improved Fertility

The physical health benefits of attaining and sustaining a healthy weight are well known but what often surprises people are the psychological benefits. Studies have shown that weight loss appears to greatly enhance quality of life and is associated with increased self-esteem and lower rates of depression,thus weight loss programs are very beneficial .

Epidemiological evidence clearly shows that being obese has an adverse effect on reproduction. The mechanisms underlying the relationship between obesity and infertility are unclear but it has been suggested that carrying excess body fat can cause disturbances in sex hormone metabolism that produce menstrual disturbances and thus sub fertility hence proving the utility of weight loss programs.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Homeopathy Treatment Made Easy

Homeopathy treatment is considered as a safe alternative form of treating diseases and other ailments. The main purpose of homeopathic remedies is to aid the body and the life force in fighting disease by improving its own capacity to heal. The remedies in no way work against the natural healing processes of the body. That is why most consider it a relatively safe form of alternative treatment. 

Homeopathic treatment is one of the oldest ways of treatments treating humans. This type of treatment might be for long time as well as short time depending upon the type of disease or illness being treated. 

Homeopathic treatment has made easy people life because:

•    Safe: The treatment of homeopathy is very safe as it does not involves any side effects to any type of patients i.e. the structural damage of this medication is nil as they do not impose and chemical action on human body. The medication given in the form of dosages is safe for both children as well as adults.

•    Effective: The treatment involved in homeopathic medication might be of longer duration as compared to naturopathic or allopathic medication, but the medication seems to be effective with time.

•    Cheap: The medication of homeopathy is cheap as compared to the treatment involved in other types of medication system.

Homeopathy treatment offers the most scientific and advanced treatment that gives a rapid and long term cure to the disease condition. Moreover, this treatment also obviates the need for surgery in a number of conditions such as warts, piles, fissures, tonsillitis, ovarian cysts and kidney stones for which patient may otherwise have to pay up a lot for conventional treatment methods.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Natural Way of Treatment - Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy treatment is a natural way of treatment. Though it is a medicine of slow process, but it is treated in such a way that the patients do not fell into the same disorder again. This is the treatment where the patients will not be put into any side effect and safe way of treatment. 

But emergency cases cannot be cured in this process. As they need a quick remedy to the problem, in order to save the life of the patients immediately. 

Usually children are advised to take homeopathy treatment, because they usually prone to side effects so easily than adults. So it is safe for them to have a homeopathy treatment which is of no side effect.

Homeopathic treatment is extremely cost effective in the long run especially keeping in mind that this treatment is sought for chronic diseases that need long-term treatment.

According to scientific and documented evidence homeopathic treatment;

  • Increases formation of melanocyte by stimulating melanogenesis.
  • Alters the genetic predisposition of vitiligo by use of miasmatic medicines.
  • Modifies the effect of environmental factors such as exposure to chemicals.
  • Modifies the effects of emotional stress which probably triggered the disease process.
  • Optimizes the hormonal imbalance that may have triggered the disease process such as under active thyroid (hypothyroid).
  • Helps body to effectively deal with stress and emotional pressures.

Thus, homeopathic treatment are inexpensive as compared to medicines from the other medical systems. Moreover, this treatment also obviates the need for surgery in a number of conditions such as warts, piles, fissures, tonsillitis, ovarian cysts and kidney stones for which patient may otherwise have to pay up a lot for conventional treatment methods. As these medicines do not produce any adverse reactions even when taken for prolonged periods of time and can therefore be safely given even to babies, children, and elderly people.