Saturday, 13 October 2012

Obesity-Homeopathic Method of Treatment / Homeopathy for Obesity

Whole world is fighting the battle against the dreaded menace of obesity. Extra pounds are doing no good to mankind and one has to be very careful not to gain those extra kilos. 

The lifestyle problems include excess strain and stress and also changing eating patterns that include more fatty stuff and instant foods. Right from childhood, the habit of unhealthy eating leads to many problems in future, one of the dreaded ones can be said as obesity.

No wonder experts have designed numerous ways to reduce the menace of obesity by inculcating right lifestyle patterns including healthy eating and exercise regimes. However, when the person is moderately or morbidly obese, he may have to resort to some other treatment modes that can help him in reducing extra weight.

Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount body fat. A certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions. The normal amount of body fat is between 25% to 30% in women and 18% to 23% in men. Women with over 30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered obese.

Among various weight reduction therapies, homeopathy is also one of the most widely used therapies for weight loss or obesity. Homeopathic remedies act individually to alleviate the adverse effects of obesity and also reduce weight.

Homeopathy can be said as one of the safest modes of treatment for obesity because the homeopathic medicines are very minute yet potent doses of medicines that do not lead to any side effects. Moreover, the action of medicine is individualized so that patients respond positively within pretty short time, thus proving that “homeopathic medicine need time to act” is a myth.

Homeopathy medicines not only treat the obesity but also treat with it hoards of diseases that may result due to obesity.

The use of Homeopathic HCG as a remedy for obesity has mushroomed over the past months as homeopathy attempts to correct the three main prerequisites for obesity-digestive disorders, improve metabolism, ease elimination.

Homeopathic remedies for obesity are tailored to the patient:

  •  If a patient obese individual has a craving for sweets, the remedy for him will be Argentum nitricum.
  •  If an obese patient has difficulty in controlling appetite, eats to calm down nerves, suffers from indigestion and craves hot foods and eggs, the remedy is Calcarea carbonica.
  • Ignatia will be prescribed for people who show symptoms of anxiety and fear.
  • Nux Vomica is prescribed for a person who indulges in overeating and drinking and prefers rich fatty foods.
  • Capsicum is suggested when obesity is accompanied by laziness.

Homeopathic remedies for obesity are safe and work in unison with a regulation diet as it has given positive results to millions of patients.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Role of Homoeopathy in Depression

Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850,000 lives every year. 

Homeopathic medicine is a complete system of natural medicine which can be used to treat absolutely any ailment, even problems that may have no clear diagnosis such as anxiety or depression because Homoeopathy treats the individual not the disease. Its objective is true healing at all levels-mental, physical and emotional

  •  Aurum is often used for depression in people who are overly responsible, hard workers, angry, sad, tense, and may have heart problems.
  •  Sepia is often used for depression with irritability, fatigue, sarcasm, frequent weeping, and feeling overwhelmed. It is also prescribed to women with hormonal complaints and is the most frequently used remedy for postpartum depression.
  • Arsenicum Alb is used for depression for a feeling of great fear, anxiety or panic accompanied by restlessness and exhaustion, disturbed by untidiness, disorder or confusion.
  • Ignatia is the first remedy for severe grief, heartbreak such as after the loss of a loved one. The person is introspective, silently brooding, weepy, melancholic, sad, tearful and non-communicative.
  • Gelsimium especially helpful for exam nerves or anticipatory fears, interviews or stage fright where you feel emotionally numb, can’t get yourself motivated.
  • Kali Phos – an essential brain, nerve, heart and lung nutrient which calms the nervous system and improves the symptoms of anxiety, general melancholy, panic, nervous tension, insomnia, depression and hyper-sensitivity.
  • Lycopodium is used for lack of self confidence and courage and apprehensive about forthcoming events, weak memory, constant fear of breaking down under stress. 
Homoeopathy is an affordable, gentle, non-toxic and highly effective system of medicine. It is used all over the world and is acknowledged as the second leading system of medicine globally. Because it is such a gentle system of medicine with no harmful side effects as it is ideal for self help when treating common everyday ailments. It works to boost the body’s innate healing ability and encourage and complete those healing mechanisms bringing about true healing.

Homoeopathy offers a greener, safer, more effective way to improve your emotional and physical health.